Beyond seven seas with highest quality standards

Eyeing up the increasing domestic demand of India for pulses, The Kogta Group Considering increasing domestic demand for pulses, The Kogta Group prevents price hike by importing raw pulses from Australia, Syria, China, Canada, Myanmar, etc. and exports processed pulses. ‘Dal Parivar’ is one of the major importers of raw pulses in India and after processing, trades them into domestic markets. For five decades The Kogta Group stands firm in the domestic market because of the location advantage. The opportunity of purchasing all pulses under one roof delights customers. As a result, ‘Dal Parivar’ has acquired large family of customers not only in India but across the globe.

Ruling the domestic market with quality & purity

‘Dal Parivar’ exports authentic Indian taste and aroma of pulses to all five continents. In order to treasure natural essence of pulses, they are sealed in eco-friendly jute bags with the help of state-of- the-art machines. Utmost care has been taken to maximize automation and hands-free processing of pulses. Maintaining its natural properties, pulses are aromatic, tasty, healthy and nutritious. Clean, free from any contamination and cooling well within a short period. P-Pro or Properly Processed pulses are full of proteins. No artificial polishing, artificial colors or chemicals are added. Being processed thoroughly with hands-free technological automation, they are free from dust, dirt & bacteria, etc. While processing, the right temperature is maintained. Each grain and pulse feels and looks fresh and alive at the end. Sorting, grading, oiling and watering is done carefully.